$4.00 ENDFEED 40-10m without tuner.

 Thanks to David (DL1DN) of the "QRP Lifestyle" blog for this intriguing end-fed multi-band HF antenna that doesn't require an antenna "tuner."

This is a clever, inexpensive project that will fit into your emergency "go-kit" for both home and field use.

David takes us step-by step through the entire process and supplies a full list of materials needed for the project.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x99gIyHfsFI.

Here are some comments from David (DL1DN):

I have build a ultra simple multiband endfed antenna. It weight 58 Gram only. ______________ parts list: 1x FT50-43 ferrite toroid 1x 100pF 1000V capazitor 1x 50cm of 0.25mm enameled copper wire 1x SMA female device connector 1x PVC pipe diameter 28.5mm length 60mm 1x 12m 0.14mm2 insulated wire Other Material: -hot glue or epoxy -solder iron -tape -some shrink tubing

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