ITU-R WRC-23 Agenda Item 9.1b: Measures to be applied in the frequency band 1240-1300 MHz to ensure the protection of the radionavigation-satellite service (RNSS) in accordance with Resolution-774.
This presentation on 23cm Amateur/RNSS Coexistence was given by the IARU Region 1 Spectrum Regulation and Liaison Committee (SRLC) Chair Barry Lewis G4SJH to the Martlesham Microwave Round Table on April 16, 2023.
Watch 23cm Amateur/RNSS Coexistence – Barry Lewis G4SJH
The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has posted the following on their website titled – Protection of Galileo against Amateur use.
“Some bands, in red in the figure, are the subject of heated debate because their use by amateur stations is likely to have a significant impact on Galileo”, see