ARRL Dual-Beam Momobeam.

The ARRL is now marketing what it calls a "dual beam momobeam antenna.

The antenna is an easy to erect and use Moxon-type antenna covering the 6 and 10 meter Amateur Radio Bands.

Content and Source:  Email update from HQ ARRL.  Copyright ARRL.

Please scroll down to get more information.

A demonstration video follows the text.

Thanks for joining us today.

Russ Roberts (KH6JRM).

A Beam for Everyone!

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The ARRL Dual-band Momobeam 6/10 Antenna is an easy-to-use antenna with a small footprint and a big reach. It's perfect for new hams, beginners, portable operators, university club stations, and even big stations looking for a lightweight yet robust antenna. Put this antenna on the air and operate 10 and 6 meters with a single feed line.


Produced exclusively for ARRL by Momobeam.


Order Now


ARRL Item No. 0084 | Retail Price $329.95

Includes shipping – ships in the US, only.



POTA Activation Using the ARRL Momobeam



It was a sunny day with perfect weather and decent band conditions. Two ARRL staffers took the ARRL Momobeam Antenna outside for a Parks on The Air® activation as W1AW. Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, is an experienced activator, and shows Social Media Specialist Alex Norstrom, KC1RMO, the ropes. The pair show how easy it is to set up the antenna, get on the air, and rack up a ton of contacts. Watch now!



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