ZL3XDJ 20m elevated vertical antenna vs 3 ele parasitic vertical.

 According to Brian (ZL3XDJ), an easy way to boost performance of your 20 meter vertical antenna is to simply elevate the structure off the ground and use only 4 radial wires.

Brian tested this arrangement against his 3 element parasitic vertical antenna with 300 ground radials.  He found the elevated vertical had a definite edge over his parasitic vertical system.

Responding reader "petemillis4666" found a DX improvement over his usual vertical when he elevated his 20 meter vertical antenna approximately 2 meters (6.56 ft) above ground.

I've had similar result when I raised my 20 meter vertical several meters above ground.  Apparently, raising the antenna above ground cuts antenna losses and lowers the radiation angle-a nice advantage for DX chasing.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0qi_n-iQgk.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from Brian (ZL3XDJ)"

which is better, my old 3 ele parasitic vertical antenna with 300 radials, or my new 1 ele elevated antenna, with only 4 radials. What a surprise i got testing these ants, and some results not found here, which are not in the handbook. Thanks to the station master/xyl/ wife , for her encouragement for more ants equals more enjoyment.


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