Simple Loop Antenna for 20-10 meters.

Here's another great antenna idea for the ARRL Field Day or for any portable operation.

Lynn (NG9D) takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, deployment, and testing of a Loop Antenna covering 20-10 meters.

The antenna features moderate gain at an affordable price.  You may be able to find most antenna materials locally or in your "junk box."

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Here are a few comments from NG9D:

Here on    / ng9d   we spend a lot of time fiddling around with low power (QRP) radio transmitters, simple receivers, home-made wire antennas and various little gadget kits, celebrating perhaps the best hobby in the world - Ham Radio! In this video, we build a ham radio DX antenna - an inexpensive portable or permanent wire loop antenna installed from ground level by one person supported by a single tree. Includes construction hints and demonstrations. Technical Data: - Type: one-wavelength diamond loop antenna - Polarization: horizontal - Gain: +1 db (ref: dipole) - Polar Radiation pattern: bi-directional, broadside to loop - Elevation Radiation Pattern: low angle - Fundamental Resonant Frequency: 14.150MHz (VSWR of 1.0:1) - Operating Bandwidth: 14.000-14.350 MHz (VSWR less than 1.75:1) - Loop Length: 1.33% shorter than free-space wavelength of 300/f(MHz) - Length Formula (meters): L=296/f (MHz) - Length Formula (feet): L=970/f (MHz) - Length of Demonstration Antenna: L=296/14.15=20.9m; (L=970/14.15=68.6 feet) - Loop Material: insulated copper wire - Feedline: Coaxial; 100 ft RG-6U + 20 ft RG-58 with barrel disconnect - Feedpoint Location: bottom center - Feed Point Height: ~ 1m (3 feet) above ground -Direct coax feed only. Note: At fundamental design frequency the feedpoint impedance of a full wave loop is 120 ohms. Tuning for all bands above the resonant frequency can conveniently be accomplished in the shack with an ATU, using coax feed. - Overall Height: ~ 8.5m (28 feet) - Overall Width: ~ 7.5m (25 feet) - Other Frequency Bands: 18, 21 and 28MHz may be used without tuner (VSWR less than 3.0:1). With Antenna Tuning Unit operation on all frequencies above 14 MHz is possible. - Construction: soldered electrical connections, mechanical details can be adapted to suit intended service life of antenna and exposure conditions. - Structural Support: Tree IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNING: Do not install near overhead power lines. Keep antenna out of the reach of children. Disconnect antenna when not in use. 73 de NG9D "Antena (Amateur Radio)", "Antena (radioaficionado)" antena de Planes de proyecto de demostración de los datos técnicos "Antena (radio)", "Antena (onda corta)", "Antena (transmisión)" "antena (recibiendo)" de onda corta del código Morse "Антенна (Amateur Radio)", "Антенна (радиолюбителей)" рамочную антенну Планы демонстрационных проектов технических данных "Антенна (радио)», «Антенна (коротковолновой)", "Антенна (передачи)", "Антенна (recieving)" коротковолновое азбуки Морзе "Antenna (Amateur Radio)" "Antenna (Amateurfunk)" Loop-Antenne Pläne Demonstrationsprojekt technischen Daten "Antennen (Radio)" "Antenna (Kurzwelle)" "Antenna (Senden)" "Antenna (Höhrgerät)" Kurzwelle Morse-Code

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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