Photo : Escola de Comunicações
The CVADX Contest is an international competition between radio amateurs
1.0. Date, Modes: CW or SSB
1.1. CW, third weekend of August
Start (2022/08/20) CW 21:00 (UTC)
End (21/08/2022) CW 21:00 (UTC)
1.2. SSB – Fourth full weekend of August
Start (27/08/2022) SSB 21:00 (UTC)
End (08/28/2022) SSB 21:00 (UTC)
2.1. SOYL Single Carrier YL (YL Class A, B or C) Modes: CW or SSB. Exclusive to YL Amateurs Radio, All operation and
registration work is performed by one person (the operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The
output power must not exceed the maximum power allowed in the legislation on the your country. Awards for the 1st place
brazilian YL for each class, A, B and C and 1st place internationally YL.
I. High Power: The total output power must not exceed the maximum power permissible for each 1,500 watt class in any
band at any time.
II. Low Power: The total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time.
2.2. (SOSB) – Single Operator – Single Band 10m, 15m, 20m, 40m, 80m or 160m: Modes: CW or SSB. All operating and
logging work is performed by one person (the operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The output
power must not exceed the maximum power allowed in the legislation on the your country. Prize for 1st place.
I. High Power: The total output power must not exceed the maximum power permissible for each 1,500 watt class in any
band at any time.
II. Low Power: The total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time.
2.3. (SOAB QRP) – Single Operator – All QRP Bands (up to 5 w): Modes: CW or SSB. All operating and logging work is
performed by one person (the operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The total output power
must not exceed 5w. Prize for 1st place.
2.4. (SOAB) – Single Operator – All Bands. Modes: CW or SSB. All operating and logging work is performed by one person
(the operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The output power must not exceed the maximum
power allowed in the legislation on the your country. Prize for 1st place.
2.4.1. Log presented as SOAB category, containing only one band, will be reclassified to SOSB and respective band.
I. High Power: The total output power must not exceed the maximum power permissible for each 1,500 watt class in any
band at any time.
II. Low Power: The total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time.
2.5. (SODB) – Single Operator – Dual band: 10m and 80m – Modes: CW or SSB. All operating and logging work is performed
by one person (the operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The output power must not exceed
the maximum power allowed in the legislation on the your country. Prize for 1st place.
2.5.1. Log presented as SODB category, containing only one band, will be reclassified to SOSB and respective band.
2.6. Competitors in the SOAB (item 2.4), SODB (item 2.5) categories may choose to compete in a single band, as long as
they send the complete log and indicate the desired band in the “SOAPBOX” of the Cabrillo log.
2.7. (SOAB MIL) – Single Military Operator – All Bands: Modes: CW or SSB (Active Military, Paid Reserve, Retired, EB R/2
Aspirants. R/2 Officers and Sergeants, from the three Armed Forces and Auxiliary Forces – Military Police and Military Fire
Brigade). All operating and logging work is performed by one person (the operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed
at any one time. The call sign licensed on behalf of the operator. Prize for 1st place.
I. High Power: The total output power is not ve exceed the maximum permissible power per class 1,500 watts in any band
at any time.
II. Low Power: The total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time.
2.8 (SOAB RAEB) – Single Operator, All Bands, Modes: CW or SSB, Exclusive to Brazilian Radio Amateurs who are members
of the RAEB project and are included in the CRAEC registration list. http://cvadx.org/home/raeb-lista/ All operation and
registration work is performed by one person (the operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The
call sign licensed on behalf of the operator. National 1st place award.
I. High Power: The total output power must not exceed the maximum power permissible for each 1,500 watt class in any
band at any time.
II. Low Power: The total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time.
2.9. Multi Operator Categories (Multi Band only).
A. (MULTI-ONE), Multi – Operator – Single Transmitter (Single Transmitter), Modes: CW or SSB. More than one operator.
Mandatory and non-exclusive category for associations with their own callsign, except HQ. Only one transmitted signal is
allowed at any one time. The log presented must be compatible with the operator classes. Prize for 1st place.
I. High Power: The total output power must not exceed the maximum power permissible for each 1,500 watt class in any
band at any time.
II. Low Power: The total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time.
B. (MULTI-ONE-MIL) – MIL: Single Transmitter (Single Transmitter) – Exclusive to Brazilian Radio Amateurs. Modes: CW or
SSB. Operators, located in Military Units or in Union Military Justice facilities: More than one person can contribute to the
final score during the official competition period, civil or military, operating stations within Military Organizations, Armed
Forces or Auxiliaries, Audits of the Military Justice of the Union, Headquarters of the Superior Military Court, War Shots and
Military Service Boards in the municipalities. The output power must not exceed the maximum power allowed in the
legislation on the your country. The log presented must be compatible with the operator classes. National 1st place award
C. HQ (MULTI ONE): Single Transmitter, (Single Transmitter), Modes: CW or SSB. (LABRES and IARU Recognized Associations)
(HQ): More than one person may contribute to the final score during the official competition period. Only one transmitted
signal is allowed at any one time. The output power must not exceed the maximum power allowed in the legislation on the
your country. The log presented must be compatible with the operator classes. Prize for 1st place.
2.10. (MULTI-TWO) – Multi – Operator – Two Transmitters, Modes: CW or SSB: More than one person can contribute to
the final score during the official competition period. A maximum of two transmitted signals is allowed at any one time on
different bands. Any of the transmitters can work any and all stations. A station can only be worked on once per band
regardless of which transmitter is used. The output power must not exceed the maximum power allowed in the legislation
on the your country. The two transmitters must be physically present within a radius of 500 meters, called the station
location, see item 8.8 of the regulation. Remote operation of any kind is prohibited. The log must indicate which transmitter
made each QSO (column 81 of the CABRILLO QSO model (N1MM) for CVADX module contests (two seasons), The log
presented must be compatible with the operator classes.
A. ROOKIE (Rookie-Single Operator): To participate in this category, the operator must have been licensed three (3) years
or less from the competition date. Indicate the date of the first license and declare that you have never participated in the
CVADX Contest, in the “SOAPBOX” of the Cabrillo log. All operating and logging work is performed by one person (the
operator). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The output power must not exceed the maximum power
allowed in the legislation on the your country. Prize for 1st place.
B. TEEN Single Operator (up to 17 years) (TEEN): All operating and logging work is performed by one person (the operator).
Enter the date of birth in the “SOAPBOX” of the Cabrillo log. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The
total output power must not exceed 100W. The call sign licensed on behalf of the operator. Prize for 1st place.
2.12. FIELD DAY – To participate in this category, the station must be mounted in an open area, such as squares, streets,
avenues, fields, parks etc. that has free access to the public. More than one person can contribute to the final score during
the official competition period. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. The output power must not exceed
the maximum power allowed in the legislation on the your country. The log presented must be compatible with the
operator classes. It is mandatory to send photos of the station and antennas, showing and identifying the installation
location. Prize for 1st place. - Messages (Exchange)
3.1. Director Station (PT2CVA),
RST + CVA (599 CVA or 59 CVA)
3.2. LABRE stations and IARU-recognized amateur radio associations.
RST + HQ (599 HQ or 59 HQ)
3.3. Stations located in Military Units or Military Single Operator
RST + MIL (599 MIL or 59 MIL)
3.4. Brazilian stations
RST + UF (599 RN or 59 RN)
- RN is the State of Rio Grande do Norte.
3.5. QRP stations
RST + QRP (599 QRP or 59 QRP)
3.6. YL stations
RST + YL (599 YL or 59 YL)
3.7. TEEN stations operated by radio amateurs aged less than or equal to 17 years.
RST + TEEN (599 TEEN or 59 TEEN)
3.8. RAEB stations. (Amateurs registered with CRAEC, http://cvadx.org/home/raeb-lista/)
RST + RB (599 RB or 59 RB)
3.9. Field Day Stations Demonstration (demonstration)
RST + FD (599 FD or 59 FD)
3.10. DX stations
RST + DX (599 DX or 59 DX)
QRP: 599 QRP or 59 QRP
YL: 599 YL or 59 YL
HQ: 599 HQ or 59 HQ
TEEN: 599 TEEN or 59 TEEN
FD: 599 FD or 59 FD
3.11. General Call: CQ CVA.
All confirmed QSOs will be valid, with station worked once per band.
4.1. Brazilian stations
Contacts between stations in Brazil = 2 pts.
Contacts between stations in Brazil and DX = 3 pts.
4.2. DX stations
Contacts between stations in the same country = 1 pt
Contacts between stations in different countries = 1 pt
Contacts with stations in Brazil = 3 pts.
4.3. all stations
CRAEC Director Station (PT2CVA) = 10 pts. (Hors Concours)
MIL, YL, TEEN, FD, MIL, HQ or RB stations = 5 pts. (regardless of country)
QRP stations = 3 pts. (regardless of country).
4.4, QSO Validation
4.4.1. With a station that did not send a log, it will be valid if the callsign appears in at least 5 valid logs.
4.4.2. Indicatives present in only 01 (one) single Log will be called UNIQUES and considered as QSO registration errors.
Two types of multipliers will be used:
M1) a multiplier per different Brazilian UF contacted per band.
Example PT2AA logged in at 28,000 Hz and 14,000 Hz add up to 02 (two) multipliers
M2) a different multiplier per country computed once across all bands.
Example N8OO logged in at 28,000 Hz and 3,500 Hz adds 01 (one) multiplier.
Attention: In the N1MM module, stations with messages or Exchange, “MIL, YL, TEEN, FD, MIL, QRP, HQ or RB” are not
being counted as UF multipliers, but in the CVA calculation program, they will be counted as multipliers normally.
Contacts with stations in the country are allowed for multiplier credit.
Federative Units:
Acre AC Alagoas AL Amapá AP
Amazonas AM Bahia BA Ceará CE
Federal District DF Espírito Santo ES Goiás GO
Maranhão MA Mato Grosso MT Mato G do Sul MS
Minas Gerais MG Pará PA Paraíba PB
Paraná PR Pernambuco PE Piauí PI
Rio de Janeiro RJ Rio G Sul RS Rondônia RO
Rio G Norte RN Roraima RR Santa Catarina SC
São Paulo SP Sergipe SE Tocantins TO - FINAL SCORE
6.1. The final score is obtained by the following formula:
6.2. Sum of QSO points, multiplied by the sum of total multipliers. - AWARDS.
7.1. Trophy for the first place in each category as long as they have performed at least 20 valid QSOs, except for the 160m
band, which will be at least 5 valid QSOs.
7.2. To send the prize, the address in the log cabrillo will be used.
7.3. The sending of the award and its follow-up will be published on the page http://cvadx.org/premiacao/ keeping the
address confidential and informing the award returned by post, if any.
7.4. Returned prize will only be resent, upon payment of postage by the recipient. - PENALTIES:
8.1. Incorrect annotation of the Callsign: loss of QSO for those who entered it wrong.
8.2. Exchange incorrect annotation: QSO lost for those who annotated it wrong.
8.3. QSO duplication: there is no penalty but only one QSO will be valid of.
8.4. Band divergence: loss of QSO for both.
8.5. QTR divergence between logs, over 5 minutes: QSO loss for both.
8.6. Sending paper logs or formats other than cabrillo 3.0 will not be accepted by the calculation system.
8.7. The use of the DX Cluster is allowed, however the “auto spot” is prohibited, whether coming from the main station or
one of its operators, as well as advertising by any digital means or other artifice, even in a disguised, subliminal way, where your station is tuned. Finding it is part of everyone’s effort and this procedure is considered unsportsmanlike behavior. One of the ways to prove an auto spot, or similar procedure, is to verify that the IP address used during the contest matches the
IP address used by the competitor, with his own callsign, to make a spot before or after the contest, subject to disqualification, in the event of a proven complaint.
8.8. All transmitters, receivers and antennas of the station must be located within a circle of 500 meters in diameter, hereinafter referred to as the “station location”. All antennas must be physically connected to transmitters and receivers.
The use of reception equipment outside the “station location” is considered unsportsmanlike and violation of this rule subjects the participant to disqualification.
8.9. Remote operation, declassification is prohibited.
8.10. Operation (to score) by persons without COER (qualification): Disqualification is prohibited.
8.11. The operation (to score) of COER carriers in QRG not authorized for their class is prohibited: Disqualification.
8.12 Violation of the rules of this regulation, of the communications legislation of your country, unsportsmanlike or unethical behavior, not listed in this regulation, may be evaluated by the CVADX committee and lead the violator to disqualification or reclassification for checklog. - DEFINITIONS OF TERMS:
9.1. Station location: The area where all transmitters, receivers, amplifiers and antennas are physically located. All
transmitters, receivers and amplifiers must be within a 500 meter diameter circle. Antennas must be physically connected to transmitters, receivers and amplifiers by RF transmission lines.
9.2. Multi-operator Station: Station in which more than 1 (one) operator assists in the operation. All station operators will have to be physically present at the station location. - ARBITRATION:
10.1. The CVA DX Contest Committee is responsible for reviewing and arbitrating any complaint or “ex officio” in the
competition. Participants are expected to follow the rules and best practices of amateur radio. Violation of competition
rules, regulations in force or unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disciplinary action by this Committee.
10.2. For Brazilian stations, the arbitration decision will use this regulation and the communications legislation of Brazil.
10.3. For other stations, the arbitration decision will use this regulation and the legislation in force in your country of origin. - RESOURCES/COMPLAINTS
11.1. Complaints and appeals about violations of these regulations and unsportsmanlike conduct can be sent to the CVA
DX Arbitration Committee (comite@cvadx.org) at any time and within 72 hours after the provisional result is announced,
accompanied by a justification based on sufficient evidence. for verification and judgment.
11.2. The CVA DX Arbitration Committee, ultimately responsible for verifying and judging possible appeals and/or
complaints, will hear the parties involved and decide. Your decisions will be final, with no appeal.
11.3. Failure to respond to the questions raised by the Arbitration Committee, based on a complaint received, essential for
the defense of the accused and their analysis, will result in the judgment “in absentia” and the complaints judged as true.
11.4. All complaints received will be investigated under total secrecy, for the protection of the accused and the complainant.
Responding to requests from the accused will be at the discretion of the Arbitration Commission.
11.5. Resorting to any instance not provided for in this regulation, such as authorities at the various levels of the Brazilian
public administration, such as Commander of the Brazilian Army, Ministers of State, Politicians in general, Public Ministry,
etc. will be considered a very serious infraction, subjecting the appellant to a penalty of suspension for a determined time
or banishment from the CVADX Contest, definitively. The maximum appeal instance is the CRAEC.
11.6. The Clube de Radioamadores da Escola de Comunicações (CRAEC), responsible for conducting the CVA DX Contest, is
a private legal entity, registered under CNPJ 29.487.881/0001-07, thus not being subject to the norms and procedures that
govern and guide the conduct of public institutions, civil and military government agencies. CRAEC maintains a support
relationship with the School of Communications within the possibilities of that military organization without, however,
there being any official link or organizational chart.
11.7. Any punishment(s) applied by the CVA DX Committee will be disclosed in the publication of the Final Results, as well
as the motivation for doing so. - DECLARATION:
12.1. By submitting your participation log in the CVADX CONTEST you agree that:
12.1.1. You have read and understood the competition rules and agree to abide by them,
12.1.2. You have operated in accordance with all rules and regulations pertaining to amateur radio in your country,
12.1.3. Your log can be open to the public and,
12.1.4. You unconditionally accept that the disqualification(s) and other decisions of the Arbitration Committee are official,
sovereign and final, with no extrajudicial or judicial appeal. If a participant does not want or cannot agree with all the
preceding statement, he must not send the application or must send it only as a CheckLog, which may or may not be
accepted by the organization,
12.1.5. All actions and decisions of the CVA DX Contest Arbitration Committee are official and final. - LOGS AND RESULTS:
13.1. The original or corrected logs will only be received via https://contestbr.org/enviar-logs/ until 11:59 pm on the 7th
day after the contest. The submission of any log by any other means or after this date will not be used. The file name must
be “indicativo.log”, example: PS7AA.log.
13.2. Logs received in disagreement with the regulations or with errors that prevent their correct verification are the sole
responsibility of the competitor and will be automatically reclassified as Checklog.
13.3. The list of received logs will be published at https://contestbr.org/cvadx/2022/logsrecebidos.php. The publication of
your callsign is confirmation that your log has been received.
13.4. To validate the score for your club, the club name must be written “digitally equal” to the list available at
https://contestbr.org/clubes/ without extra spaces, punctuation marks and graphic signs.
13.5. After the announcement of the provisional result, a request for correction of the log that may change the classification
of the competitor or his club will not be accepted, unless it is proven that the Scoring Committee has failed.
13.6. The provisional result will be published until the 20th day after the contest and the official result will be published
until the 30th day after the contest on the website http://cvadx.org
13.7 Recommended Software for Log logging is N1MM, https://n1mm.hamdocs.com
13.8. The CVA DX Contest participation certificates will be made available for download at the time of the official result
release and will bring the total score, general classification, by continent and by country
13.9. Since 2019, the CVADX Contest organization has published all competing logs with the aim of showing contest
transparency, allowing participants to study the records for better strategies and techniques.
13.10. Checklogs will not be published. These records are submitted to assist the competition committee and will not have
the score published in the results.
13.11. The released logs will have the Address and E-MAIL fields removed. Whenever possible, we try to find email
addresses on SOAPBOX and will remove them to protect the privacy of participants.
13.12. All published logs will be in Cabrillo 3.0 format. You will be able to read them using any text editor or viewer.
13.13. The entire process of selection and feeding of the counting system is manual (human), therefore, it is mandatory for
the competitor to follow the status of his log at https://contestbr.org/cvadx/2022/logsrecebidos.php until the end. Your
log will only enter the ranking when it is “OK” by the system. If your log has errors and is not corrected by you within the
log submission deadline, it will revert to a checklog or will not participate in the contest ranking.
Oficial Web Site : http://cvadx.org/
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