In this video from Bret of the "SurvivalComms" video channel, we learn about a variety of cables that can replace the coax used in most ham radio applications.
My favorite replacement coaxial cable feedline is ordinary 75-ohm RG-6 which can be used to feed dipole antennas with little signal loss. Most of my RG-6 comes from cable left over from home internet installations.
Bret does a good job of explaining the pros and cons of substitute cable feedlines. If you can't see the video, please insert the this title URL into your browser search box:
Here are a few comments from Bret:
Longer than my usual content as there is a lot to cover in creating your own RF transmission line. In this video we discuss making your own transmission (antenna, feed) line out of field expedient materials. Materials , formulas and whatnot. Give this a try - what you carry in your head will carry the day. #survivalcomms #survivalantennas #twistedpairfeedline
Thanks for joining us today.Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).