Feeding this antenna with an appropriate UnUn and 450-ohm ladder line will allow you to cover several amateur radio bands from 20 meters to 10 meters.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcGWBRtYngQ.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).
Here are some comments from Peter (G3OJV).
Here is a simple to make wire loop antenna that is easy to build, easy to erect and has low noise potential. All you need is a length of wire amd a central mast support. Peter G3OJV provides full details.
UK Ham Radio Store. We ship worldwide.
ZL3XDJ Video
• ZL3XDJ. reduce noise the easy way.
Loop Antenna Design Charts
Spiderbeam Support Mast 12m HD
Invisible Antennas
• The Invisible HF Antenna
Thanks for your support on this Ham Radio Channel
These videos are devoted to ham radio. The whole production, editing and any background music, is the sole work of Peter G3OJV. Peter, is the founder of Waters & Stanton, and has held a full Ham Radio licence for sixty four years. Waters & Stanton began life in Hockley Essex in 1973. Since then, the Company has become known the world over for supporting the Hobby. Approaching the age of eighty two, Peter aims put something back into Ham Radio by helping others with his extensive experience in the Hobby.
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