My favorite SOTA Antenna-Summits on the Air.

If you're thinking about a "SOTA" (Summits on the Air) mini-DXpedition, please consider this easily built portable antenna from the "SOTAGoats" video channel (W7TAO).

A simple inverted Vee antenna fed by ladder line into a simple antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") can produce some excellent contacts once you're away from urban areas.

The antenna can be made from readily available materials at a modest cost.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Here are some comments from the "SOTAGoats" website:

By request, a short video to show my favorite homebrew SOTA antenna from the top of W7W/WH-162. Also, a guest appearance by my newest morse code paddle.


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

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