Radioddity GD-88
The GD-88 contains two independent VFOs that allow dual-band operation on VHF and UHF channels. With dual mode, the GD-88 allows a smooth transition from communication with conventional analog radios to digital DMR (Tier II) at any time. It also comes with dual-standby to monitor two channels at the same time.
Why I LOVE my Antenna Wire Measuring Counter!
This is an amazing machine made by “Sam” in the USA. I thank him for hand-assembling these. I have two now – and Sam is furnishing m... Read more
Omnidirectional Biquad Antenna for 2.4GHz ( WI-FI )
Directional antennas do have their strengths such as power over distance but sometimes you may need to use a good omnidirectional antenna to produce 3... Read more
Inac AH-1430 (20, 17, 15, 12, 10 m band) – Antenna
AH-521, is a halo antenna of small size but high performance. Supports an RF level between 140 and 210 W. Covers bands used between 12 and 30 M... Read more
ACOM HF Log-periodic Antenna
ACOM, Bulgaria manufactures a range of 8, 10 and 12 element HF log-periodic antennas. Their main features are: designed and produced to give top perf... Read more
NVIS Antennas by Hi-Q Antennas 2-30 MHz
New from Hi-Q Antennas Initially Developed for NASA as a space bound NVIS antenna For ground penetrating HF Radar antenna. It is available for Shipboa... Read more
Wolf River Coil Take It Along With Chameleon SS17 Ham Radio Antenna Whip
Lets talk about my thoughts on the Wolf River Coils Take It Along 1000 and what its like adding a Chameleon Cha-SS17 whip. Read more
JK402-PICCOLO 2 Elements on 40M / 18 Foot Boom
The JK402P (Piccolo) is a 18Ft boom 2 element 40m Yagi that has excellent gain and F/R. The elements are loaded Capacitively & Inductively which... Read more
Unbox and Test MFJ-849 Digital SWR Meter
MFJ-849$ 169.95 Each Read more
Why is Coax 50 Ohms?
Why is Coax 50 Ohms? Read more
How to update your IC-7300 to the latest firmware?
Short video showing the steps in the firmware upgrade process of the Icom IC-7300 HF radio. Make sure you read section 15 of the full owner’s ma... Read more
First Look: IC-9700 – Ham Nation 399
Ray Novak and George Thomas check out the new Icom IC-9700. Hooking up an analog microphone to your computer with Bob, coax connectors with Gordo, ham... Read more
“S-Units” is the topic of the episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In”
S-Units” is the topic of the current (August 17) latest episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast. Listen…and learn! Sponsored by DX Engi... Read more
Retevis RT6 Dual Band Analog HT Unboxing
Retevis RT6 Review of the Dual Band Analog HT. Unboxing the radio and taking a look at the menus. Read more
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