If you want a simple, inexpensive 20 meter DX antenna, then this "inner and outer" portable antenna is what you're looking for.
According to Fraser (MM0EFI), this easily built 20 meter vertical with one radial element is ideal for field operations such as POTA and SOTA.
This basic antenna fits into your "go-kit" and can be stored in your vehicle or garage.
The antenna can also be used where space or deed restrictions place limitations on ham radio.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zFynpiiuUg.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).
Here are some comments from Fraser (MM0EFI):
How to build the Up and Outer 20m antenna.
The aerial is basically a centre fed quarter wave antenna for 20m. One element is vertical, the other horizontal, suspended around 1m or 3' above ground.
Start with two lengths 16.5' (5.02m) of wire. Find a suitable piece of material to hold the antenna, such as thin plastic chopping board.
Select a chassis mount BNC or SO239 connector, which ever you prefer. Attach this through a hole in the chopping board.
Solder one wire to the centre pin of your connector - this is the vertical radiator.
Solder the other wire to the screen/shield tag of your connector - this is the counterpoise/horizontal element.
Provide some strain relief for the wires - see how I did this in the video.
Loop the ends temporarily, then raise the antenna and tune if with either a rig and SWR meter or an antenna analyser if you have one.
Once you're happy with the SWR, cut off any excess wire and use heat-shrink or tape to hold the end loops firmly in place.
Give it a go - it really is simple and works well!
73, Fraser MM0EFI