Top 5 Ham Radio Antennas for Beginners.

 Whether you're an experienced radio amateur or a newly-licensed operator, we call all use a basic refresher on the theory and practice of antennas.

In this video from Jim Reed (N4BFR), we get an easily understood discussion of HF antennas suitable for all classes of amateur radio licenses.

Among the antennas described are basic verticals, dipoles, end-fed wires, and ham sticks.  Jim does an excellent job of making  complex ideas simple and knowable.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here a some comments from Jim (N4BFR):

Professor Jim N4BFR teaches you the best HF ham radio antennas for beginners! Check out a text version of the guide: Also, check out How to build a dipole antenna at home: If you're new to HF and want some extra help, we also offer a full online class to help you get your station setup and learn how to operate: Get your ham radio license fast and easy with our all-in-one online class (Technician, General, and Amateur EXTRA!): Log your contacts and join the community with the World Radio League: #hamradio #hamradioprep #worldradioleague

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