The antenna is suitable for both home and portable use.
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Here are some comment from "TheSmokinApe."
Best Ham Radio Antenna for Small Spaces In this video, I show a Ham Radio Antenna that I built for small spaces. The antenna is referred to as a "Shorty Forty" which is a shortened End Fed Half Wave Antenna for 40 Meters (EFHW). Please consider supporting TheSmokinApe Channel on Patreon Here: Here is the video where I built the Induction Coil: Check out my Ham Radio for Beginners Playlist: Check out my Antennas Playlist: Links to products in the video: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you liked this video you can see more like it here: You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram: Thanks, TheSmokinApe
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).